Available GNM Courses

You are in the right place for exploring the exciting world of German New Medicine, which is now available to everyone! GNM is offered in three stages of study; beginner, intermediate and advanced. This allows the learner to take the course of study most in alignment with their goals and intended use.

Are you looking to apply the GNM to yourself, a family member, a friend or to take your practice to the next level? Laypersons, health care professionals and medical personnel alike are discovering the extraordinary work of Dr. R. G. Hamer and solidifying skills necessary to correctly apply the Five Biological Laws. Learning to quickly release the impact of life’s unanticipated shocks, restoring the balance and harmony nature intended by overcoming illness faster and more efficiently than under any other circumstances.

We invite you to review the brief course descriptions below and click the “more information” button to learn more. This button will take you to our learning portal where you can get started by choosing the course that is right for you!

GNM Simplified

These courses are offered to families and laypersons without any previous medical training. You can gain a working knowledge of the GNM through the simple explanation of the Five Biological Laws with easy to understand explanations. Insights on common ailments as well as the disease process of some serious conditions equips the learner with a solid foundation to live in harmony with nature using the GNM in their everyday lives.

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GNM For Health Care Professionals

This diploma program will provide all the necessary information on the GNM for anyone interested in pursuing a career as a health care professional. Non-medical professionals who have an interest in expanding their knowledge of the GNM may also attend the courses in this program. However a diploma cannot be offered without having a background in anatomy and physiology as well as successfully passing the required examinations. This training is foundational for medical professionals such as family physicians, RN’s, naturopathic doctors, chiropractors, homeopaths, osteopaths, massage therapists and more.

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GNM Clinician Certification Program

The GNM Clinician Certification is reserved for students who have successfully completed the intermediary diploma courses, GNM for Health Care Professionals. This advanced course of study develops the students’ skills in order to deepen the application of the GNM in clinical practice. This training reveals not only the latest developments discovered by Dr. R. G. Hamer but deliver in-depth instruction never before available in a GNM classroom. Courses on CT analysis are also optional and a separate level of certification will be established to include the art of CT evaluation according to Dr. Hamer’s discovery.