General FAQ’S About Your Learner Journey

What is the most popular course for laymen and those seeking professional accreditation?

“GNM For Health Care Professionals” is ideal for those who want to take their understanding of the GNM to a deeper level. This course is required for those students who are seeking accreditation to get the GNM Intermediate Level Diploma.

What do the three GNM For Health Care Professionals course modules cover?

The 1st module covers an introduction to the GNM. The 2nd module address microbial activity. During the 3rd module Ilsedora shares with you how the cerebral cortex relates to GNM. This module also reviews hearing conflicts and heart disease.

The GNM Certification programs give you all the tools you need to work with almost any issue a client comes to you with. Accreditation begins with this course and the three (3) core modules.

Can we move on to the next module before finishing that last one?

No. You have to mark each module as complete by working through the whole module, and then you can move on to the next one.

Which modules are mandatory and which are optional?

All 3 modules are compulsory and considered part of the core curriculum if the learner is seeking accreditation. Each module must be completed in order to be eligible for writing the GNM Intermediate Level Diploma Exam.

What is the passing grade for the exam?

A 75% passing grade is required to graduate from the program.

Can we retake the exam if we don’t pass?

One exam retake will be allowed per student. There is a waiting period of 14 days before you are eligible to rewrite the exam. An additional fee of CA$200.00 (+HST) must be remitted prior to the second attempt.

If a student fails to pass the exam after the second attempt an interview will need to be conducted to discuss next steps.

How much time should I set aside to complete each module?

Each module varies in length but a video can last between 15 minutes and 4 hours. It would be best to set aside half a day when you will not be distracted so that you can fully focus on the content.

You do not have to complete a whole module in one sitting.

Do I need to do any extra work to complete the modules in GNM For Health Care Professionals?

It is worth reading the Scientific Chart and using it as a reference as you work through the modules. The Scientific Chart supports and augments your learner journey. Additional project work may be assigned based on each student’s performance. For example, the number of hours spent reviewing the course material, the questions submitted via email, grades scored on assignments and exams, etc.)

How many times should I watch the videos?

You can watch the videos as often as you wish. When you have completed each module, you can go back and replay whichever sections you want to.

How do I complete each element of a module?

When you have finished watching the videos you should click on the ‘mark done’ button. The system will then mark that as complete, so you will know what you have and have not completed. Some lessons within the modules will automatically be marked done when you complete the lesson.

How long does the program take?

It really depends on how long you want to spend on each module. Everybody works at a different pace and we do not expect you to complete the program within a set timeframe. However, to ensure you digest all the material, we would not expect you to complete the final exam within less than 6 months from the date you started the program. Learners have 1 year access to GNM For Health Care Professionals curriculum.

What happens at the end of the GNM For Health Care Professionals program?

Once you have completed the modules you are eligible to take the GNM Intermediate Diploma Exam. After completion of the exam we will send you written feedback within 5-10 working days. If you do not pass the exam at your first attempt, you will be encouraged to resubmit.

Your diploma will be sent to you via email within two weeks of successfully meeting the following criteria:

1)achieve a passing grade of 75% on the GNM Intermediate Diploma Examination

2)demonstrate your previous anatomy and physiology training OR achieve a passing grade of 75% on the GNM Institute Anatomy and Physiology Exam.

Enrolment in the Certified Clinician Program is available to those students who successfully achieve their GNM Intermediate Level Diploma. **Note** Successful completion of the GNM For Health Care Professionals (HCP) course is a prerequisite for anyone wanting to practice the GNM and is required for those who want to use it with patients.

What if I need more time at the end of the course to study the modules before taking my exam? Do you grant extensions to the GNM For Health Care Professionals course?

Extensions are granted on an individual basis. Please email registration to request your extension. If you need more time a study extension can be granted as long as it is within reason, that means no more than a 4 month period. The fee structure for this extension is $250.00 per month. Any extensions that exceed this four month period will be billed at a rate of $997.00, which grants the student an additional 12-month access from their original date of purchase. Students and graduates who wish to retain access to the GNM For Health Care Professionals course material can do so at the rate of $997.00 per year, as long as they make this renewal annually. If the student or graduate wants to regain access and they have allowed a lapse in their annual renewal the fee will be at the regular list price.

What support will I get and how do I get in touch with you?

The GNM team is here to support you and help with any questions you have. You can contact us by email at: registration (09:00-17:00 EST, Monday – Friday).

Can I get a refund after I purchase the course?

No. We do not offer refunds on the GNM Institute courses. Once you login to the e-learning portal you are agreeing to the honour the full purchase payment.

All teaching materials are copyrighted and registered trademarked. The digital content is the intellectual property of Ilsedora Laker, the GNM Institute and Dr. med. Mag. theol. Ryke Geerd Hamer.

Is there an Ethical Code of Conduct specific to students?

Yes. Students must sign and agree to the “Ethical Code of Conduct” and “Non- Disclosure Agreement” BEFORE they will be granted admission to any level of study. This “Ethical Code of Conduct” should direct all behaviour, values and judgments amongst GNM Institute® students. The purpose is to safeguard student welfare and the unsuspecting public.

We require students to use “Self Governance” and “Stay within their Scope of Practice”, meaning, students enrolled at the GNM Institute® are NOT to offer GNM services until qualified to do so by the GNM Institute®.

This means as a student you may only practice with the qualification(s) you had PRIOR to joining the GNM Institute®. For Example: If you are a qualified Chiropractor, you may practice chiropractic but not the GNM until you have passed the necessary examinations required by the GNM Institute®. Students who violate this will be immediately suspended.

The purpose of the “Ethical Code of Conduct” and “Non- Disclosure Agreement” is to protect students and the public from unethical conduct. It also protects trademarks, copyright, designs, patents, trade secrets, and any other originally created materials from violations, infringement, “passing off”, etc. Students cannot reproduced, transmit, copy or plagiarize the content of the courses. A breach is a serious matter and it can open a student up for suspension, expulsion and legal action. We believe in transparency and open communication as the best way to ensure a strong working relationship.

I can’t log in.

When trying to log in, please ensure that you type only your username and password, without any spaces before or after as unwanted spaces will cause your login to fail.

If you have forgotten your password, click on ‘Forgot your password?’ on the login page.

I can’t access all of the program modules.

When you log in for the first time, you will see that the lessons contained within each module are restricted. This is because you need to complete them in the correct sequence and order. Start your GNM For Health Care Professionals learner journey with The Foundations of German New Medicine module. Each lesson will be released to you upon completion of the previous one. This is to ensure you have enough time to digest the program material at a comfortable pace.

Can we download the videos onto our phones or laptop?

No. Our system does not support this and, as the videos are of a confidential nature, this would be inappropriate. You can access the e-learning portal via the internet on your device, so you can use the program wherever you are.

Is there an APP for the e-learning portal?

Yes. You can obtain the app here.

My video stops halfway through.

This is usually down to your internet connection. Please pause the video, wait for it to buffer for a few minutes, then press ‘Play’ again.

Can I set up my practice as soon as I complete the program?

We give you all the tools you need to understand the GNM and how to use it. Once you have graduated from the program, you will need to obtain Professional Indemnity and Public Liability insurance before setting up a practice. There are lots of other things you will need to consider when setting up your business and you should seek advice from experts in the field and friends/colleagues about where to get the best advice.

Are there any suggested reading materials?

Some of you may have already read one or all of the following books: