• Cancer Journey
    “Cancer” often is viewed as a death sentence! The "root cause" that applied to me could have easily been just a "coincidence". I needed hard proof. This was my life, my body, my future! So, I decided to gather "data" and draw conclusions myself.
  • Reunion With Mother Nature
    Can we become aware of the biological intelligence operating behind our symptoms? Are we subject only to the forces of chemistry and physics? Learning to “align”... we see the body expresses intelligence profoundly attuned to the life experiences and story of an individual.
  • Symbolic Thinking Adapts Our Body
    People use the same facial expressions to show spitting out and sniffing out. What can we discern from this? An important point. Symbolic and literal thought is, in some brain networks, processed identically. But in what ways does disgust affect the body?
  • Raising Children As A Parent With GNM Awareness
    GNM became the philosophical way of living for my children which I must say has been a huge blessing, not only to be able to expand my knowledge and experience, but to also help them navigate through what can be some challenging times for a child, leading to a path of least suffering.