
The World Needs More Certified GNM Clinicians

By Joan Hughes

When I’m asked why I decided to become a Certified German New Medicine (GNM) Clinician, my mind is cast back to the mid-1990s, when my dad died at the age of 80. At that time, most people would have said that he’d had a good life, and that living to 80 meant that he’d had a long life. But looking back from my current vantage point, I know that my dad died way too early.

First, his death made my mom a very young widow at the age of just 73. Second, they had had a love-affair of a marriage, and I know that they both would have given anything to have more years together. And, perhaps most importantly, I have a strong suspicion that if I had known the GNM, it would not have been necessary for them to be parted at that time. 

One of my most vivid memories of my dad was how in the morning, he lined up all the different coloured pills prescribed to him. They were for his heart, his blood pressure, for cholesterol, and for side effects from those drugs. They were prescribed by his well-meaning physician, who had been a long-time, dear friend of the family and considered one of the top physicians in the city. I knew the meds were bad for him and not really helping him. They never could have saved him. In fact, it was clear to all of us that this amazing man was going downhill bit by bit, losing more and more energy and zest for life, saving whatever life force he had left to hang on as long as he could to the life he had with my mom.

My dad is one of the reasons I decided to become a GNM Clinician. I wanted to help him, but at that time, I didn’t know how.

And there were others. A close friend who had a stroke and later died of cancer. And a little boy I knew who went through excruciating treatment for leukemia, and so on.

Once I had developed an understanding of how human diseases should be interpreted – not as death threats but as biological warning systems – and as soon as it hit me that so many people were suffering and dying unnecessarily as a result of a hugely wrong interpretation of human disease, I had all the reason I needed to devote myself to the study and mastery of this new body of medical science developed by Dr. Hamer.

There is a choice

However, even though GNM has existed for over 50 years, it is still not known about by the general public. So, I can’t help but wonder how many more people will suffer and die before their time, as my dad did, because of such a simple thing as not being aware of this new medical understanding, in other words, not knowing that they have a choice. They don’t have to take the route of conventional treatments. They could seek another opinion, one that would surprise them by how much more sensible it is, once they understand that the symptoms they have actually have a meaning. They are not arbitrary. There is a reason for them, and with the help of a qualified GNM clinician, there is reason to expect that their symptoms might even be reversed. With no need of medications.

Still, I understand why most people can’t even guess that they might have a choice. I still remember when I took antibiotics on and off for nearly a year. I kept getting bronchitis, and I would go to my doctor, and he would refill my prescription and I’d get back on them. This happened time and time again, but I never questioned it. 

I understand what it is not to have any inkling whatsoever that there is something wrong with that picture because that never occurred to me at the time. It wasn’t until at least a decade later that I suddenly started to wonder about the use of drugs. But not then. No, at that time, I felt safe in my assumption that my doctor had the knowledge, and whatever he told me to do I did. So, I get it. I truly remember what it is like not to question conventional medicine.

Then one day, the idea entered my mind that I wanted to be healthy. I wanted to be healthy so that I wouldn’t get sick in the first place, and that set me on a journey in a whole new direction, learning about vitamin C and then vitamin E, herbal and nutritional supplements, homeopathics, and natural remedies, eliminating toxins and eating healthily, exercise….

The missing element

…Until finally, I hit the most important discovery of all – the role of the mind and emotions in human disease. What a revelation! At that point, even naturopaths were treating patients allopathically – matching the remedy to the symptom. It was an improvement, since they weren’t prescribing drugs. However, they were still looking for THE magic pill to cure the symptom. So, like conventional medical doctors, they were completely missing the most important element contributing to the loss of well-being of their patients – the mental/emotional component.

If you think about it, what makes us more human than our mind and emotions. Yet, everybody was stuck in that same paradigm that had been passed on down through the ages: the human body as a machine. Fix the broken part and it becomes well. Except it didn’t, and so the race had been on for hundreds of years to find THE cure for disease. We have only to look at the billions of dollars thrown at cancer research, with no real success, to see how stuck the medical model has been for a very long time.

So, when I saw the truth, I could never unsee it again. The Medical Mafia was probably the first book to really open my eyes in the 80s, and then, experiencing Neuro-Emotional Technique in the mid-90s, which accomplished in 3 sessions what psychotherapy hadn’t been able to even touch in years of appointments. I had entered the world of “energy” – the invisible world within us that held the secret to unravelling the causes of physical deterioration and the key to maintaining vibrant health much longer in life.

The change is coming

Wow! So obvious once you become aware of this level of our being. Yet invisible and unmeasurable and so, really challenging to get others to become aware of. How do you suggest to somebody who is about to jump on the medical merry-go-round that there is a completely different way that they would do well to look into? At this point in time, it is still not easy, but what I see changing is that more and more people will get results from the GNM, and it will be through their stories that others will find out about it.

People telling people, who tell others, who tell others, and so on. 

I believe that it’s the patients who will change medicine. When it becomes known by more and more people that patients are getting results from GNM, then the balance will begin to tip, and it will be the patients who will create the demand for more and more qualified GNM clinicians. When that happens, the medical schools will eventually need to join the emerging paradigm and set up GNM training for new med students. From there, the proof will be in the pudding, and the world will be on the way to real medicine, a medicine that is based on a biological understanding of disease and illness, not the currently materialistic one. When this occurs, there will be no need for 99% of meds used today, leaving only those that are useful in emergency situations.

It’s time to get out of the grip of conventional medicine. It becomes really evident how strong a grip it has on people when we hear that even the rich and famous – who presumably have access to any and all medical knowledge available – still turn to conventional medicine. They might go to what are considered to be the best hospitals and be treated by what are considered to be the very best doctors, but even those best hospitals can’t cure what is incurable using current medical practices.

When I heard that Steve Jobs had cancer, I was really struck by the fact that he actually died of it. Steve Jobs – the man who had created the likes of Apple – died of cancer, when there was a physician in the world who had unravelled the mystery of cancers, and this knowledge was available to Jobs… It was unfathomable that after 30 years, GNM had been so successfully suppressed that somebody like Steve Jobs didn’t even know about it! Now, that is how powerfully medicine has been controlled.

The good news is that, although Dr. Hamer is no longer with us, the mantle has been taken up by Ilsedora Laker, who has devoted herself to creating the GNM Institute that Dr. Hamer had himself envisaged, becoming the centre from which more and more future qualified GNM clinicians will emerge into the world, to spread the New Medicine of the future. This gives one hope, and it certainly causes me to feel extremely grateful to have learned about the GNM in my lifetime and to have become one of the new GNM Certified Clinicians who will contribute to making a difference!